Spiritual Thought – Such faith

Remember the woman who had been bleeding for 12 years? Mark 5:25-29 tells of this woman’s plight.

This woman was unclean. Which meant that she could not participate in any worship. It meant that anyone who touched her, or she touched, became unclean. She was probably unwelcome in public places. The text tells us that she spent all she had on doctor’s to help, yet she grew worse.

But here she is, trying to get close to Jesus! She probably figured that she was in a crowd, no one would notice her. The text insinuates that she heard something about Jesus that made her think she only needed to touch his garment and she’d be healed.

Recently when I read this the first thing that popped into my mind was — what faith! Here she had gone to doctors for 12 years, yet she grew worse. But she heard something about Jesus and she thought she only needed to touch his cloak to be better. Wow.

This is such a testimony to what we can do to get into Heaven – nothing. We must have faith in Jesus alone. There is nothing we can do. We can not add to the work Jesus did on the cross. Eph 2:8-10 reminds us that there are no works we can do for admission into Heaven. We only have to believe (John 3:16, Acts 16:31).

How about you. Do you believe?

1 thought on “Spiritual Thought – Such faith”

  1. Heidi, you’re so right about this women’s faith. I’m so glad we con’t have to earn our way into heaven because I for one would never make it.

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