Simply believe

What does it take to be a follower of Jesus Christ? It starts with believing (Romans 10:9). If the belief is true (in the heart) then a believer will produce fruit (John 15:4).

As I was reading the gospel of Luke recently, it occurred to me that the thief on the cross could do nothing other than believe in his heart that Jesus was Lord. Jesus promised the thief he’d see him in Heaven that day (Luke 23:43). That is our prime example that we can add nothing to the work Jesus did on the cross. But if you think about the thief on the cross for a moment, you’ll realize that he did show fruit. He rebuked the other thief. He asked Jesus for forgiveness (showing a great deal of humility). Those actions were fruit. The thief on the cross died with Jesus as his Lord and Savior.

Every year we need to reevaluate our spiritual lives and ask ourselves what fruit have we produced this past year. It is different for everyone. Some people have obvious fruit while for others the fruit isn’t as obvious. But it all starts with believing . . . not in the head, but in the heart.

[Photo by flydime]

2 thoughts on “Simply believe”

  1. So true, Heidi. I was just thinking this morning about how the Lord asks so little of us and yet provides so lavishly if we simply believe.

  2. Society is so based on “works” that it is hard to take the Lords word by faith and not believe we have to DO things to garner His love. A constant struggle for me! Thanks for the comment Sharon!

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